Axiom II Switch: IFTD 2018 “Best in Show” Winner

Temple Fork Outfitters has strengthened its reputation as the leading manufacturer of fly rods by winning the Best New 2-Handed/Spey rod, award at the world’s largest fly fishing tackle trade show, IFTD.

The Axiom II Switch rod took home first place at the 2018 show in Orlando, Fla.

The Axiom II Switch Rod is engineered for two-hand anglers requiring optimal performance across a range of fishing techniques from a single rod. Because line weight distribution is different between “swinging flies,” “indicator fishing,” and “throwing lead,” optimizing a two-hand rod for all three techniques was previously impossible. Now, by combining TFO’s highest modulus materials and our proprietary Kevlar application with actions inspired by our industry-leading Deer Creek series, Axiom II breaks the code delivering the super-wide grain windows necessary for a truly exceptional multi- technique two-handed rod.

The primary goal of a switch rod is to allow the caster the ability to achieve maximum targeted forward distance with the least amount of expended energy, while maintaining a functional rod length for line management and fish fighting.

An evolution from our wildly successful Deer Creek Series, the Axiom II switch family is engineered to fit the angler and the scenario, (not the other way around). The Axiom II switch rod offers the optimization of the benefits of two-handed or spey style casting, but with a shorter lever, (to accommodate medium sized water, or tight-quarters fishing out of a boat).

The Axiom II Switch rod remains true to TFO’s commitment of matching price to performance. The Axiom II Switch series include rod socks and are packaged in a hard nylon lined rod tube and retails for $399.95.

About Temple Fork Outfitters (TFO): TFO assembled the world’s most accomplished, crafty anglers to design a complete line of fishing rods priced to bring more anglers into the sport. Because we believe that anyone who has the fishing bug as bad as we do deserves the highest performance equipment available to take their game to the next level. And in our experience, when we get people connecting with fish, they connect with nature. And they join us in our mission of keeping our rivers, streams, lakes and oceans in good shape for the next generation. There’s a new breed of anglers out there. They’re smart. They’re passionate. They’re socially conscious. And they’re fishing Temple Fork. For more information, please visit:

Temple Fork Outfitters
Dallas, TX 75247

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