Blitz Moments – Bull Redfish

You’re standing at the bow, fly in one hand, rod in the other, and line stripped out at your feet. A voice behind you is calling out directions, while strategically maneuvering the boat. An uneasy mass of large redfish are cruising their way right towards you. Second chances aren’t guaranteed. Make your shot count.


A 10wt (TF 10 90 4 BZ) is optimal when pursuing big redfish, but having an 11wt (TF 11 90 4 BZ) isn’t a bad idea either. Whether in deep, open water or targeting the occasional bull hunting down speckled trout and slot redfish, larger flies and heavier fly lines are the ticket. Having a fast action rod like the Blitz that can deliver both of these and handle the fight of a 30-50lb + fish is crucial.

Angler Jake Groff makes a backcast with the TFO Blitz in an attempt to catch a large bull red on the fly. // Photo: Tom Wetherington

A large school of bull redfish on the hunt for food. // Photo: Tom Wetherington

TFO Advisor Blane Chocklett with a large bull red caught on the 10wt Blitz. // Photo: Tom Wetherington

Find out more about the all new Blitz fly rod series here.


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