With the help of our rods, you can connect with nature, friends and family — all through a simple cast.


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“The Best Rods Nobody Talks About!”

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“The Best Rods Nobody Talks About!”

Confused by the multitude of two-handed or spey lines on the market? Don’t know what line you need for your TFO rod? We totally get it. As manufacturing processes continue to advance, and the divide...
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TFO Two Handed Fly Rods & Fly Line Recommendations

Confused by the multitude of two-handed or spey lines on the market? Don’t know what line you need for your TFO rod? We totally get it. As manufacturing processes continue to advance, and the divide between line designers and rod designers grows, it is becoming more and more difficult to...

TFO Wins Runner Up Awards at EFTTEX 2022

Although the European Fishing Tackle & Trade Exhibition (EFTTEX) didn't take place in person this June, the organization still hosted a 2022 Digital Best New Product Showcase. What is EFTTEX? You can think of EFTTEX show as the European version of ICAST here in the states. The convention attracts some...

Chasing Dolly Varden in Alaska

Alaska is known for some excellent salmon and steelhead fishing, but a species often overlooked is the Dolly Varden. Dolly Varden are typically gray accompanied by white, pink, or orange spots. They are very commonly confused with bull or brook trout, but in Alaska are actually part of the char...

Chasing Southern Appalachian Brook Trout

Southern hospitality can entail many things. Sometimes it’s a made-from-scratch homemade meal, or maybe it’s a helping someone change a tire on the side of a two-lane highway. But sometimes, it’s sharing a special piece of water, far off the grid, where footprints from other anglers are almost nonexistent, and...

Successful Dry Fly Fishing Tactics

Presentation trumps fly selection. You’ll catch more trout with the wrong fly but the right presentation than you will with the right fly but the wrong presentation. Don’t get me wrong; having the right fly is important especially when a hatch tightens the trout feeding focus to a single prey...

ICAST 2022 – Show Recap + New Dealer Product Reviews

Another great ICAST in the books! It honestly feels like the last ICAST (2021) was just the other day, but we weren't complaining for the chance to get back to the Orange County Conventional Center in Orlando, Florida to see so many friends (old and new), and to show off...

Topwater Smallmouth on the Fly

Summer time is topwater time! Most people know me as a streamer junkie, but my favorite time to be on the water is when the smallmouth are looking up. Watching a big smallmouth swim up from the depths, inspect your fly, and sip it in like a brown trout sips...

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