Don’t be koi. We know you’ve been dreaming of casting a fly into your next-door neighbor’s koi pond while they’re on vacation. Gear up for suburban fishing with the all-new Tactical Koi rod. Business parks, malls and lobbies everywhere become thrilling fisheries as these artificial ponds become your new favorite fishing spots when using the Tactical Koi.

This new, fast action rod series will be offered in a 6wt through 12wt. Because koi fish can vary in size from 12″ all the way to 36+”, we decided to incorporate a fighting butt for all weights to assist in the lifting and fighting power when fighting these beasts.
The Tactical Koi is available now and retails starting at $199.99. All rods come with a rod sock, rod tube, and TFO’s full-lifetime warranty.
**Please note we are not responsible for trespassing charges, or fines for fishing in “No Fishing” zones. Fish with the Tactical Koi at your own risk.

Photo: Tom Wetherington
#tforods #fishtheoriginal #koionthefly #aprilfools #pleasedontcallusaboutthis