TFO Announces 2021 Fly Category Products

This week, Temple Fork Outfitters announced four new additions to the TFO family of fly rods: the Stealth, the Blue Ribbon, the LK Legacy and the LK Legacy TH. These rods are available now!

Stealth Fly Rod Series

Euro nymphing is one of the most talked about–and effective– techniques for trout anglers, and we’ve used all the information shared to us by our dealers and those in the “know,” to develop the Stealth series of rods.

Designed for anglers the need the perfect tool to dead drift nymphs in small riffles and tiny pools – the often overlooked lies where trout feed.

The Stealth series provide anglers a rod with the accuracy, quick recovery and overall balance to repeatedly hit specific lies and bring fish to hand.

The Stealth series is offered in a four-piece, 10 foot, two weight and a 10-foot, six-inch, three weight. Stealth rod weigh, 2.8 and 3.2 ounces respectively are finished with machined, cut aluminum reel seats and black, single-foot snake guides.

All Stealth rods come with a rod sock and tube, and retail for $299.


Blue Ribbon Fly Rod Series

Introducing the all new Blue Ribbon Fly Rod Series. Designed for fly anglers that need a rod to cover a range of trout and warm water techniques from small flies, hopper-dropper rigs, indicators or big streamers for trout, bass and carp.

Very technical, magnum taper trout rods are not always the right choice for all anglers in real fishing situations. A rod that anglers can feel load and that can represent an efficient and accurate cast, (especially in small rivers, out of drift or along a lake shore) is what the Blue Ribbon provides.

The medium-fast action, Blue Ribbon series is offered in a two-weight, through seven-weight, in lengths of seven-foot, six-inches to 10-feet.

All Blue Ribbon rods come with a rod sock and tube and retail for $239-$259.



LK Legacy Fly Rod Series

The NEW LK Legacy series is designed and built as an evolution to the BVK series and a homage to fly fishing legend, Lefty Kreh.

Designed for the intermediate to advanced caster, the fast action LK Legacy utilizes a mix of new materials that dramatically reduces the weight while creating an aggressive blend of power and strength  – excelling in presentation and distance.

The LK Legacy single hand series is offered in a 3-weight, through 8-weight. in length of 8-feet to 10-feet. All rods come with a rod sock and rod rube and retail from $269-$299.


LK Legacy Two-Handed Fly Rod Series

Built off the same componentry as the LK Legacy single hand series. The fast action LK Legacy two-handed series is offered in a four-piece configuration in a 6-weight through 8-weight, in lengths 11-feet, six inches to 13 feet, six inches.

LK Legacy Two-Handed rods feature both a grain window and gram rating for easy line pairing.

All LK Legacy TH rods come with a rod sock and tube, and retail for $399-$409.


Once again, these new rods are available now! To see our entire catalog of fly fishing products, click here.


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