With the help of our rods, you can connect with nature, friends and family — all through a simple cast.

Category: Fly

“The Best Rods Nobody Talks About!”

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“The Best Rods Nobody Talks About!”

Buying a fly rod doesn't have to be confusing or complicated, but we know how overwhelming it can be with the endless varieties of models, sizes, actions, and prices. While TFO offers the 5wt and...
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Winter Streamer Tactics for Big Browns

Winter fishing can test your patience. Between the frozen guides and numb fingers, it leaves much to be desired. The rewards however, far outweigh the discomfort and the monotonous casting that comes with the winter season. During this time of the year, I find it easier to convince a big...

Get A Grip – Fly Rod Cork Grips Explained

Half wells, full wells, and cigar grips are terms one might think would come from a conversation at your local tavern. However, these are also important ways to describe the different cork handles on a fly rod. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned angler, it’s important to know...

TFO Holiday Gift Guide – 2021 Edition

It’s hard to believe we’re already upon the holiday season, but here we are again! If you’re having trouble finding the right gift for the angler in your life, we’ve put together a list of popular choices that will make their holidays (and year) extra special. **Also, from November 24...

The Old Normal – Albies on the Crystal Coast

I can’t remember the last day that passed without hearing someone talk about “the new normal”. With the way the world has changed, I grow increasingly fond of things that haven’t. The plain old normal: the way I feel when my wife smiles, the taste of tacos, the smell of...

Nordic Anglers 5wt Shootout ft. TFO’s Blue Ribbon & LK Legacy

Our good friends across the pond at Nordic Anglers recently put together a cool little 5wt shootout video featuring several brands, as well as TFO's Blue Ribbon and LK Legacy. The 5wt shootout - specifically the Blue Ribbon and the LK Legacy - were highlighted for their application to trout...

Fall Fishing Preview – Gear, Tactics & More

Fall is officially here, and with it comes many excellent angling opportunities. From bull redfish, speckled trout, and false albacore in the salt - to striped bass, musky, big colored up brown and brook trout and trophy bass in freshwater fisheries are just a few of many reasons to get...

Tools of the Trade: TFO Blue Ribbon Series

Last year, TFO introduced three new fly rods, one of which was the Blue Ribbon series. While the series name might seem like this tool is intended for cool water trout streams, its components and moderate fast action have proven to be able an excellent choice for targeting warmwater species...

The BC Big Fly – A Musky Fool Review

BC Big Fly...the name says it all. This year TFO released a brand new fly rod series geared at predator and big streamer fishing. This rod builds on the previous model, the ESOX series, to offer the predator fly angler a much-welcomed tool in their toolbox. This rod was...

Like We Never Left – The Return to ICAST

We can all agree that 2020 was a tough year. Between many places being shut down and inventory issues brought on by unprecedented demand, it was (and in some cases still) a mess. Not being able to attend fishing shows was one of the many aspects that we (and others)...

When The Jacarandas Bloom – Chasing Corbina On the Fly

“Don’t get too deep. No more than ankle deep at most,” I remember Nick Curcione telling me on a beach in Coronado years ago. It didn’t make sense until the first one I saw bolted between my legs from behind me in three inches of water. “I told you,” came...

The Remarkable Northern Snakehead

Have you heard of the Northern Snakehead before? Some have heard of other people catching or spotting one, and many people have a common misconception about this species. Then there are those fishermen, like myself, anxiously await the first couple of hot and humid days of the year so we...

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